(MFIX) 3D silo flow

Silo flow by MFIX method.

This open source program has been created and developped by T.J. O’Brien since 1993 in order to model hydrodynamic systems combining chemical reactions and thermal exchanges for dense ou dliute fludized bed flows.

You can visualize these animations
– emptying silo on MPEG format or AVI format

– emptying and refilling silo on MPEG format or AVI format

– tube flow on MPEG format or AVI format

Setup conditions

– silo height =1,5m and width= 30cm for an opening of 10cm.

– grain size of 0.2cm of diameter.

– MFIX has been developped and maitained by Thomas J O’Brien (U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, West Virginia)